The world’s biggest swing wheel is being made at Bluewaters Island in Dubai. It weighs as much as 5 Boeing 747 jumbo jets and is twice as big as the ‘London Eye’ (135 meter high swing). It is being prepared under Matchless Engineering.
The hammock is 250 meters high. It has 48 pods, in which 1900 people can sit and swing together. One leg of the swing being built on a four-legged structure is equal to the weight of a Boeing 7X7 jumbo jet. The total weight is 900 tons, equivalent to 5 Boeing jets. At the same time, the height of a leg is 125 meters. It will be ready by the end of this year.
It will look 200% higher than others!
Project manager Pearce Siday said that he and his team are preparing it. According to Pearce, there are many swing wheels in the world, but Dubai’s swing is 50% larger than them. Once ready, it will look 200% higher than the others. Currently, the highest swing in the world is in Las Vegas, USA, which is 167 meters high.
The weight of each swing leg is 900 tons!
The material of this swing is brought to Dubai via ship. The world’s largest crane was used for this. This crane can lift 1200 metric tons. According to the project manager, we used two more cranes, which have the capacity to lift 3000 tons. About 98% of the swing work has been completed.
Swing rim is divided into 8 parts!
Engineers are engaged in welding on each section of the swing rim. After this it will be added. The entire rim is divided into 8 parts. The pods used in it are made of glass. It is being planted in Dubai’s man-made island of Bluewaters Island. The island began in 2013. In April 2019, it was announced to place the swing here. By this year it will start for the people.
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