Tips To Write a Good Bio on Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform for businesses to build their page, post content and capture the audience. If you already have a page on Instagram, you must know how follower numbers impact the social media account’s success. But do you know what impact a good bio on Instagram has on your profile and how to create one?

Instagram bios are a visitor’s first impression of your business. If your social media profile fails to explain your work or why someone should follow you, it will become challenging to attract new followers. Your Instagram account content strategy will be fruitless without a good bio

So, today, we will learn to capture the follower’s attention with a good bio on Instagram. But before that, let us understand what a bio is and why it matters.

What is an Instagram Bio?

The bio is a part of your Instagram profile and acts as your introduction. Here, you can speak about yourself, your brand and your page’s purpose. It is right below the profile name.

The Bio acts as a doorway to you or your business. It helps people understand and engage with you. Here’s what you may include in your bio.

  • Brief about you 
  • Contact details
  • Relevant hashtags
  • Emojis
  • Website URL

Your Instagram bio must be short, specific and within the 150-character limit. 

Importance of Instagram Bio

You must be wondering, it’s just 150 characters; why does it matter so much? You can always tell pleasingly through your posts, but you can only do it if you leave a good first impression. 

The bio introduces your profile and tells what is next in your feed. You can consider it an email subject line. Hence, it must impact the visitor, or they won’t stick around and watch your content.

So remember to write a good bio on Instagram

Tips To Write A Good Instagram Bio

Are you stuck on How to write a good bio on Instagram? Do you want to know how to write one? Well, do not worry; we have listed some ideas for writing a bio here.

Instagram Bio

Exhibit Your Personality

Instagram Bio talks about you or your brand. It is your window to share your story and give a peek into the kind of person you are. Target your audience from here by showcasing your skills, background or the most common words in your mouth. Showing you will help the potential followers to understand you quickly.

Be Brief

The most helpful advice to write a good bio caption is to keep it short. Do not overload the space with long phrases or emojis. Get to the point by using easy-to-read words or quotes. Let your content speak of the rest.

Add a Link

Sometimes, more than 150 characters are needed to understand you. A visitor may want to know more about you or your business before becoming your fan. Adding a link to your website, other social media accounts, or even your podcast link is a good addition to your bio.

Add A Relevant Keyword

You can increase your Instagram reach with one of its robust SEO strategies – ICYMI. Though it mainly involves the captions, your Bio can also play a role. 

Search for keywords your target audience uses to search Instagram and add it to your name field. For instance, if someone uses the word “Gym Trainer”, they will likely pop up first.

Call To Action

A good bio on Instagram will compel followers to take action. You can drive to listen to your latest podcast or participate in a survey by including a compelling call-to-action (CTA).

A good CTA is clear and specific. Moreover, using Action Buttons can encourage more profile clicks. You can add action buttons based on your account, such as Book Now, Reserve, Order Food, Get a Quote, Shop Now, Learn More, and View Shop.

Emojis In Bio

Colours and emojis can add some personality to your bio. Please do not overdo it, as it can affect your content’s accessibility, especially for the visually impaired. It’s best to use emojis sparingly and keep it short and sweet. 

You can also use them to highlight the CTAs or add something you love, like pizza.

Branded Hashtag

Clickable Brand Hashtags are another huge engagement tactic used by Instagram. You can easily promote an Instagram contest or a User-generated campaign using this. 

Note: Branded Hashtags in a bio do not make your profile discoverable during hashtag search. It only highlights your Bio and collects UGC.

Add Contact Info

You can add contact information to your Instagram Bio if you have a Business profile. Instagram allows you to add a phone number, an email address and a postal address. By adding this information, you can make it easy for your followers or visitors to reach out instantly. 

Instagram Stories Highlight

Instagram Stories Highlight make your profile more appealing and click-worthy. You can share FAQs, community spotlights, recipes or roundups here. Besides, booking info, product launches and likes are worth much more than the 24-hour shelf life.

You can also create a set of on-brand covers for an even look and feel. Thus, a frequently updated, to-the-point Instagram Stories highlights you in a better manner. Moreover, it strengthens your brand’s profile aesthetics.

Timely Update of Bio

An outdated bio misleads the followers and results in the loss of followership. Updating your bio regularly helps you give the latest information about yourself or what’s happening to your visitors and followers. Hence, update your Bio today if it has been a while since you’ve done so. 

Summing Up

Instagram bios are a window to present yourself to the social media world in the way you want to. There are lots of ideas to write a good bio on Instagram. You are free to write yours however you want. A good Instagram bio is enhanced visually by including vital elements like a clickable link, emojis placed sparingly and a CTA. Mingle them with your personality, and you will write a good Bio for your profile.


What is the character limit of Instagram Bio?

Instagram allows you to tell your story in 150 characters on your profile. Instagram Bio is visible to everyone, whether they follow you or not.

What type of Bio shall I choose?

The choice of your Instagram Bio depends entirely on what makes you different from others and what you want others to know about you. You can always get inspiration from other field profiles or feedback from friends, colleagues, or mentors.

What types of Instagram Bio can you write?

Instagram Bios can be funny, clever, cool, short, quoted, etc. You can choose the type that closely represents you and write a good bio on Instagram.

What is a personal bio?

A personal bio is a short introduction that tells a tale of your experience, credentials, education, and individual and professional achievements. It helps you share your brand and tell others about your unique traits.

Can you write more than 150 characters in an Instagram Bio?

You cannot write more than 150 characters in an Instagram Bio. If you want to share more details about yourself, you can add a link to a website, a product page, a blog or a micro-landing page on Taplink. These will help you tell more about yourself.

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